viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

The best holiday i've ever had

My best holidays were this summer, I went on holidays to San Pedro de Atacama and Uyuni (Bolivia) with a great friend. Her name is Raquel. She is 37 years old. She is a nurse and now, she is studying civil enginnering.
We went by plane to the Calama city. Later, we took a bus until a Bolivian city of Uyuni. We made a tour for three days. We met the Saltlake de Uyuni, slept a hotel of sail, ate llama meat, met many gaps and geisers. The Bolivian landscape is wonderful. We shared trip with two Chileans and a French couple. I had symtoms of "puna" during three day we spent in Bolivian, but that did not stop you enjoyed the trip.
In San Pedro de Atacama, we went to the Valle de la Luna, to the Laguna Cejar, Geisers del Tatio and lagunas altiplanicas. We saw lizards, foxes, a ñandú and many flamingos, I loce animals and I took many pictures and all A saw. The second time we went to Valle de la Luna, we made it in bicycle. I had never ride a bike. Was something new for me. I learned to ride a bike a week before traveling alone to make thar route. We went also a Laguna Cejar in bicycle. I thought I would die and  I ached all!! haha it were nore tan 2 hours to bike back and another 2 more back. My friend did not believe me capable of achieving the trip. But I never give up. And I made it.... to hardly, but I did haha. It were more tan 40 km!!
It was very amazing!. The deserte is beautiful. It has a special charm. The colors, the shapes ... I felt full of energy. He never wanted to Santiago :(