jueves, 12 de junio de 2014


Hello, today I will talk about education in Chile.
I'm not from the idea that free education is better, right now. For this to be true, before changing the form of funding, you must first change the system in which education is delivered. I was in a public, scientific and humanistic school. And we had not even teachers for chemistry, physics and biology. Many times we gave away the notes because they liked each other teachers, often my evaluations were copied book pages of content, including patterned and the more nice stay, you had better note. I think that can not be. Also, I have heard from individuals or private subsidized schools where students themselves buy the notes. That can not be! I do not think it is the responsibility only of the teachers or the public education system. You also have to do a mea culpa as students regard. I had classmates who took advantage of the strike to demand we did right and necessary things for our school, only to miss classes and do damage, both the school and in the streets. So no one takes seriously the student demands.
I think when the way we do education in Chile is changed, there just may change the free education. For me, gratitude is just a patch to the problem and will not change the differences.

With regard to higher education, I think it has much increased aid to students. I think that this aid should include more students from private institutions. They also need. I had 6.6 average in high school. And that really helped me to get scholarships. But I consider my score PSU was not consistent with my notes. Pondered 670 points (math not reach 500). For me, the PSU is not the right way selection. I think it's just a limitation for those who really want to study.

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