viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Manal al-Sharif

Today I want to talk about a video that caught my attention. It's about a woman of the Saudi Arabia called Manal al-Sharif. In her speech, she noted that women in her country are banned from driving vehicles (which I think insolito). Tradition prevents, laws prevent it... it's crazy! Manal al-Sharif that it was recorded driving a car for a feminist activist campaign in her country. She was arrested nine days for fighting for what she thought right. Her family had to leave the country as morally wrong. I think she is a great hero, a fighter for leaving submissive standards to which it was bound to obey just for being born female.

As Manal al- Sharif, I wonder which is more difficult?: Fight against an oppressive government or against an oppressive society. In my view the traditionalist societies have not evolved. I think it is okay to keep the ancient traditions but not in the way they do. I think not but lead to a woman, just for the sake of being ridiculous. Women have the same capabilities as a man. We are less. I think women should not be hidden under veils or under laws and retrograde traditions. Some cultures believe that women should show only the eyes because their bodies are distracting to man. I believe that women's bodies are beautiful and are not sinful. Some women are even deprived of their ability to feel pleasure through mutilation. I think that's wrong. Companies impose values ​​that leave people be, that repress and women are criticized for how they dress up. They are criticized if they are very young or very old mothers... is unfair. I in the place of Manal, had done the same.

1 comentario:

  1. Camila,

    WC: 298. You are OK in the narration of the events and your opinion. Good. You should be careful with your grammar, though, because if you don't pay enough attention, you write sentences that are confusing:

    I think not but lead to a woman, just for the sake of being ridiculous....

    Please, continue writing. You can do much better.


