viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014


Today I will write about a social problem that calls my attention enough: bullying. I think today about bullying is clearer than it had before. But still the issue is not addressed properly.

In recent years, more studies on the subject have been made. I think this is due to abuse and mockery have quickly amassed over the Internet. If a young person is humiliated by another, the video is uploaded to social networking and video are amplified. Reaches many people who have never had contact with the affected. No control over this!

Bullying is a cruel act and the consequences of not disturbing other measured daily. This problem starts in childhood. While it is said that children are the most sincere and pure beings, are often the most cruel and harmful to their peers. There are children who are psychologically disturbed verbal attacks, others are physically assaulted and humiliated ... and I think: what are the reasons that lead to this? I think you just need to be a little different from the rest to suffer bullying, enough to outweigh the rest, have freckles, be of another nationality, have different skin color, etc.

I lived my childhood with bullying. I was at a girls' school (girls can be even more cruel than the boys) and I was always teased for being much thinner than the rest. I said things and nobody wanted to be my friend. My self esteem was always low and it is still hard for me to relate to the rest for fear of ridicule.

I think the solution lies in the support of parents. To me, my parents always supported me. But much of the responsibility of teachers and schools. Often the bullying does not stop because these omitted violence and do not act properly. If they were more active in this regard, it would stop.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

internet: good or evil?

Today I will write on the internet.

I think the creation of the internet has many positives and also negatives. I want to first talk about the benefits of the internet.

A major aspect of really good internet has to do with easy access to information we have now. You can download all kinds of books for free, download music, watch online movies, read the newspaper, buying things etc. You can buy many things with "one click", Which is pretty good. I remember when I was small and had no internet at home was more difficult to do my homework, my nephew now has classes where used Internet sites to learn English or do math! With Internet access you can also meet many new people. In your city, your country, even from distant countries. Communication is faster and distances do not matter, you can always stay connected and in touch with people who are far from you.

On the other hand, meeting people over the internet is risky: you can get unlucky and meet crazy people, pedophiles, scammers. Finally you never know who is the person behind the screen. For the kids, the internet can be an easy way to find violence and pornography and so I think that parents should be aware of what your children watch on internet.

I think the internet is a double-edged sword. On one side you have communication, fluency, knowledge easily accessible and on the other you distrust, violence and scams. Internet is a good tool only if you know how to use it in the best way to maximize your profits. Otherwise it may even be dangerous.