viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014


Today I will write about a social problem that calls my attention enough: bullying. I think today about bullying is clearer than it had before. But still the issue is not addressed properly.

In recent years, more studies on the subject have been made. I think this is due to abuse and mockery have quickly amassed over the Internet. If a young person is humiliated by another, the video is uploaded to social networking and video are amplified. Reaches many people who have never had contact with the affected. No control over this!

Bullying is a cruel act and the consequences of not disturbing other measured daily. This problem starts in childhood. While it is said that children are the most sincere and pure beings, are often the most cruel and harmful to their peers. There are children who are psychologically disturbed verbal attacks, others are physically assaulted and humiliated ... and I think: what are the reasons that lead to this? I think you just need to be a little different from the rest to suffer bullying, enough to outweigh the rest, have freckles, be of another nationality, have different skin color, etc.

I lived my childhood with bullying. I was at a girls' school (girls can be even more cruel than the boys) and I was always teased for being much thinner than the rest. I said things and nobody wanted to be my friend. My self esteem was always low and it is still hard for me to relate to the rest for fear of ridicule.

I think the solution lies in the support of parents. To me, my parents always supported me. But much of the responsibility of teachers and schools. Often the bullying does not stop because these omitted violence and do not act properly. If they were more active in this regard, it would stop.

1 comentario:

  1. Camila,

    WC: 312. A bit too many. Just a bit.

    I'm glad you chose to talk about bullying, as it is such an important issue in our school system today. I congratulate you as you have the courage to refer to your personal experience. It is true that teachers do not act as they should in order to stop bullying. I agree with you.

    I think your text is clear enough, but it could be clearer if the ideas had a better connection. You must work on that.

