miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Earth 2100

Hello, today I’m going to talk about the movie Earth 2100

The movie is about the climate change by the action of man. From wrong measures by governments to avert disaster.
Of as humanity is destroyed itself by the way you live now.

And the importance to realize of taking action to protect the environment from now to change de future.

I think the film is too pessimistic about the future, but I think looking bad show as a way to raise awareness.
On the other hand, it is very interesting to hear the speculations of specialists on the future of the planet. One wonders “does it really come to that?” The film generates doubt: will or will not be so future. This happens by contrast fiction with scientific statements.
Climate change an imminent product of current lifestyle displays. One hand droughts, floods other. Big storms. Lack of water and food. Diseases. Chaos ... but there are small lights of hope. Small towns that become self-sustaining and are the representation of the future paradise.
Lucy tells her story. And we see the value that she and her family have to change your present and your future too. I wish there were more people like Lucy. There is a part of the movie with which I fully agree. It says something like "many people doing small actions can change the world." I believe that. I try to make a difference. I think in the future, to have reviewed geography may help me do something bigger. I'm convinced that. How? I do not know yet. I have only faith to achieve it.

I find it interesting to note three facts shown in the film:
1.    The governments and the politicians are not competent in the moment to take decisions to avoid global collapse.
2.    When there is shortage of food and the world collapses, generally the humanity shown desperation and becomes primitive beasts.
3.    In chaotic and catastrophic situations, pests and diseases cannot be controlled even with the latest technology. 

1 comentario:

  1. Camila,

    WC: 340. A bit too many. You were supposed to write 300, not so many more words.

    I think your review is a good try, of course it needs revisión, you have to check some things like:

    to change (de) future....

    I have only faith to achieve it.... I ONLY HAVE FAITH....

    Your gramar is better, but still needs some correction, please, check it.

