viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014


Today I will write about a social problem that calls my attention enough: bullying. I think today about bullying is clearer than it had before. But still the issue is not addressed properly.

In recent years, more studies on the subject have been made. I think this is due to abuse and mockery have quickly amassed over the Internet. If a young person is humiliated by another, the video is uploaded to social networking and video are amplified. Reaches many people who have never had contact with the affected. No control over this!

Bullying is a cruel act and the consequences of not disturbing other measured daily. This problem starts in childhood. While it is said that children are the most sincere and pure beings, are often the most cruel and harmful to their peers. There are children who are psychologically disturbed verbal attacks, others are physically assaulted and humiliated ... and I think: what are the reasons that lead to this? I think you just need to be a little different from the rest to suffer bullying, enough to outweigh the rest, have freckles, be of another nationality, have different skin color, etc.

I lived my childhood with bullying. I was at a girls' school (girls can be even more cruel than the boys) and I was always teased for being much thinner than the rest. I said things and nobody wanted to be my friend. My self esteem was always low and it is still hard for me to relate to the rest for fear of ridicule.

I think the solution lies in the support of parents. To me, my parents always supported me. But much of the responsibility of teachers and schools. Often the bullying does not stop because these omitted violence and do not act properly. If they were more active in this regard, it would stop.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

internet: good or evil?

Today I will write on the internet.

I think the creation of the internet has many positives and also negatives. I want to first talk about the benefits of the internet.

A major aspect of really good internet has to do with easy access to information we have now. You can download all kinds of books for free, download music, watch online movies, read the newspaper, buying things etc. You can buy many things with "one click", Which is pretty good. I remember when I was small and had no internet at home was more difficult to do my homework, my nephew now has classes where used Internet sites to learn English or do math! With Internet access you can also meet many new people. In your city, your country, even from distant countries. Communication is faster and distances do not matter, you can always stay connected and in touch with people who are far from you.

On the other hand, meeting people over the internet is risky: you can get unlucky and meet crazy people, pedophiles, scammers. Finally you never know who is the person behind the screen. For the kids, the internet can be an easy way to find violence and pornography and so I think that parents should be aware of what your children watch on internet.

I think the internet is a double-edged sword. On one side you have communication, fluency, knowledge easily accessible and on the other you distrust, violence and scams. Internet is a good tool only if you know how to use it in the best way to maximize your profits. Otherwise it may even be dangerous.

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

The best holiday i've ever had

My best holidays were this summer, I went on holidays to San Pedro de Atacama and Uyuni (Bolivia) with a great friend. Her name is Raquel. She is 37 years old. She is a nurse and now, she is studying civil enginnering.
We went by plane to the Calama city. Later, we took a bus until a Bolivian city of Uyuni. We made a tour for three days. We met the Saltlake de Uyuni, slept a hotel of sail, ate llama meat, met many gaps and geisers. The Bolivian landscape is wonderful. We shared trip with two Chileans and a French couple. I had symtoms of "puna" during three day we spent in Bolivian, but that did not stop you enjoyed the trip.
In San Pedro de Atacama, we went to the Valle de la Luna, to the Laguna Cejar, Geisers del Tatio and lagunas altiplanicas. We saw lizards, foxes, a ñandú and many flamingos, I loce animals and I took many pictures and all A saw. The second time we went to Valle de la Luna, we made it in bicycle. I had never ride a bike. Was something new for me. I learned to ride a bike a week before traveling alone to make thar route. We went also a Laguna Cejar in bicycle. I thought I would die and  I ached all!! haha it were nore tan 2 hours to bike back and another 2 more back. My friend did not believe me capable of achieving the trip. But I never give up. And I made it.... to hardly, but I did haha. It were more tan 40 km!!
It was very amazing!. The deserte is beautiful. It has a special charm. The colors, the shapes ... I felt full of energy. He never wanted to Santiago :(

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014


Hello, today I will talk about education in Chile.
I'm not from the idea that free education is better, right now. For this to be true, before changing the form of funding, you must first change the system in which education is delivered. I was in a public, scientific and humanistic school. And we had not even teachers for chemistry, physics and biology. Many times we gave away the notes because they liked each other teachers, often my evaluations were copied book pages of content, including patterned and the more nice stay, you had better note. I think that can not be. Also, I have heard from individuals or private subsidized schools where students themselves buy the notes. That can not be! I do not think it is the responsibility only of the teachers or the public education system. You also have to do a mea culpa as students regard. I had classmates who took advantage of the strike to demand we did right and necessary things for our school, only to miss classes and do damage, both the school and in the streets. So no one takes seriously the student demands.
I think when the way we do education in Chile is changed, there just may change the free education. For me, gratitude is just a patch to the problem and will not change the differences.

With regard to higher education, I think it has much increased aid to students. I think that this aid should include more students from private institutions. They also need. I had 6.6 average in high school. And that really helped me to get scholarships. But I consider my score PSU was not consistent with my notes. Pondered 670 points (math not reach 500). For me, the PSU is not the right way selection. I think it's just a limitation for those who really want to study.

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Manal al-Sharif

Today I want to talk about a video that caught my attention. It's about a woman of the Saudi Arabia called Manal al-Sharif. In her speech, she noted that women in her country are banned from driving vehicles (which I think insolito). Tradition prevents, laws prevent it... it's crazy! Manal al-Sharif that it was recorded driving a car for a feminist activist campaign in her country. She was arrested nine days for fighting for what she thought right. Her family had to leave the country as morally wrong. I think she is a great hero, a fighter for leaving submissive standards to which it was bound to obey just for being born female.

As Manal al- Sharif, I wonder which is more difficult?: Fight against an oppressive government or against an oppressive society. In my view the traditionalist societies have not evolved. I think it is okay to keep the ancient traditions but not in the way they do. I think not but lead to a woman, just for the sake of being ridiculous. Women have the same capabilities as a man. We are less. I think women should not be hidden under veils or under laws and retrograde traditions. Some cultures believe that women should show only the eyes because their bodies are distracting to man. I believe that women's bodies are beautiful and are not sinful. Some women are even deprived of their ability to feel pleasure through mutilation. I think that's wrong. Companies impose values ​​that leave people be, that repress and women are criticized for how they dress up. They are criticized if they are very young or very old mothers... is unfair. I in the place of Manal, had done the same.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Earth 2100

Hello, today I’m going to talk about the movie Earth 2100

The movie is about the climate change by the action of man. From wrong measures by governments to avert disaster.
Of as humanity is destroyed itself by the way you live now.

And the importance to realize of taking action to protect the environment from now to change de future.

I think the film is too pessimistic about the future, but I think looking bad show as a way to raise awareness.
On the other hand, it is very interesting to hear the speculations of specialists on the future of the planet. One wonders “does it really come to that?” The film generates doubt: will or will not be so future. This happens by contrast fiction with scientific statements.
Climate change an imminent product of current lifestyle displays. One hand droughts, floods other. Big storms. Lack of water and food. Diseases. Chaos ... but there are small lights of hope. Small towns that become self-sustaining and are the representation of the future paradise.
Lucy tells her story. And we see the value that she and her family have to change your present and your future too. I wish there were more people like Lucy. There is a part of the movie with which I fully agree. It says something like "many people doing small actions can change the world." I believe that. I try to make a difference. I think in the future, to have reviewed geography may help me do something bigger. I'm convinced that. How? I do not know yet. I have only faith to achieve it.

I find it interesting to note three facts shown in the film:
1.    The governments and the politicians are not competent in the moment to take decisions to avoid global collapse.
2.    When there is shortage of food and the world collapses, generally the humanity shown desperation and becomes primitive beasts.
3.    In chaotic and catastrophic situations, pests and diseases cannot be controlled even with the latest technology. 

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

Holiday 2014

My name is Camila Tudela. I’m a student of Geography in Chile. I live in Santiago and have 22 years old. This summer, I went on holidays to San Pedro de Atacama (Chile) and Uyuni (Bolivia) with a great friend. Her name is Raquel. She have 36 years old and she is a nurse. We went by plane to the Calama city. Later, we took a bus until a Bolivian city of Uyuni. We made a tour for three days. We met the Salar de Uyuni, slept a hotel of sail, ate llama meat, met many gaps and geisers. The Bolivian landscape is wonderful. We shared trip with two Chilean and two Frenchman. In San Pedro de Atacama (Chile), we went to the Valle de la Luna, to the Laguna Cejar, Geisers del Tatio and lagunas altiplanicas. We saw lizards, foxes, a ñandú and many flamingos. The second time we went to Valle de la Luna, we made it in bicycle. I had never walked by bike. Was something new for me. We went also a Laguna Cejar in bicycle. I thought I would die!! Was amazing!. The desert is beautiful. It has a special charm. The colors, the shapes ... I felt full of energy. He never wanted to Santiago